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School Information

General Information


Together, we prepare, challenge, and support students for participation in society as
safe, respectful, and responsible, lifelong learners.

We Believe:

  • all students are capable of learning.
  • education is a responsibility shared by students, staff, parents, and community.
  • in recognizing individual learning styles.
  • in providing opportunities for all students to experience success.
  • that students are entitled to learn in a safe environment.

We are committed to high quality, developmentally appropriate, K-8 level education
characterized by:

  • Quality work and relevant learning through challenging integrated curriculum,
    instruction, and assessment.
  • Relationships that promote trust and safety (physical, emotional, and social)
    needed for learning and well being.
  • Opportunities for all to succeed through core, exploratory, and co-curricular
  • Respectful partnerships through "heroic" customer service and communication.
  • Development of personal responsibility and accountability through opportunities
    for significant choice and decisions related to learning.
  • High expectations for all who are involved in K-8 level education.


Deep Creek-Damascus K-8 School is special because of a strong commitment to
excellence and providing the best possible education for all students. The strong
academic program is supported by the close partnership that is present with parents and
community to support the education of the students. A small rural setting and close-knit
community provide an excellent environment for this to occur.

School Calendar
District Calendars

School Report Card
The Oregon Department of Education annually produces school report cards. For more information, view the District and School Report Cards page.

Kim Barker

To contact other staff members, access the Staff Directory

15600 SE 232nd Dr
Damascus, OR 97089
Show on Map

Phone: 503-658-3171

Elementary School Hours:

8:50 AM - 3:20 PM
Wednesdays 9:50-3:20 PM

Middle School Hours: 

8:50 AM - 3:20 PM
Wednesdays 9:50 - 3:20 PM

Office Hours: 
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM